Group Contacts

Village Hall Users & contact details

All regular term time meetings, except * which denotes meetings out of term time.


Organisation Time Organiser Telephone Frequency
Art Group 09.30-12.30 Diana Weekly Meetings
Parish Council 20.00-21.30


Monthly Meetings




Organisation Time Organiser Telephone Frequency
Tuesday Matters First Tuesday in the Month


Olivia Fenwick 01306 631139 Monthly Meetings
Pilates Other Weeks

13.30-14.30 Beginners/improvers

14.45-15.45 gentle pilates

Sara 07716 401349 Weekly, except first Tuesday




Mother’s Union 14.00-16.30 Di Riley 01306 611630 Alternate Weeks
Good Companions 14.00-16.30 Terry Ward 01293 863080 Alternate Weeks
Newdigate & Beare Green Choral Society 19.45-21.45 George Brind 01306 631115 Weekly




Organisation Time Organiser Telephone Frequency
St. Peters Luncheon Club 12.15-14.15 Lesley Mears

Carol Humphreys

Ashley Frost

01306 631544

01306 631556

01306 711875

Monthly Luncheons
Yoga 19.30-20.45 Saara Vance 07754 078531

Weekly Meetings




Organisation Time Organiser Telephone Frequency
Baby Belles Parent Toddler Group 09.30-12.00 Weekly Meetings
Rainbows. Infant Girl Guiding 16.30-17.30 Nikki Halsey 01293 862283 Weekly Meetings
Brownies. Junior Girl Guiding 17.45-19.15 Pauline Austin 01306 631527 Weekly Meetings
Guides. Senior Girl Guides 19.30-21.00 Nicola Jones 01306 713691 Weekly Meetings




Organisation Time Organiser Telephone Frequency
Bookings taken for children’s parties, socials, fundraising, events, etc. Contact Hall Caretaker JSH on 01306 631391


The following groups use the Village Hall or The Brocus on an ad hoc basis.

Organisation Organiser Contact Events
Newdigate Football Club Simon Haigh 07748 918261 Matches on the Brocus, during season
Henry Smith Charity Don Thwaites 01293 871681 Annual luncheon
TRE UK Ltd Natural Stress Relief Caroline Purvey 01304 211994 Stress relief sessions
Newdigate Horticultural Society Julia Forsyth 01306 631271 Seasonal Shows
SDT Soc Dog working trials Stan Ford 01306 712298 Annual trials
Newdigate Local History Society John Callcut 01306 631148 Lectures on local history
Royal British Legion Don Thwaites 01293 871681 Fund raising events
St. Catherine’s Hospice Bridget Mackinnon 01306 631308 Fund raising events
NEWTS Theatrical Soc. Tina Callcut 07811 374667 Fund raising events
Redhill Cycling Club Phillip Jemmison 07919 326080 Cycling events
St. Peter’s Church Rev. Noelle Coe 01306 631469 Church events & celebrations
Vintage Motor Cycle Club Lorraine Carter 07703 623613 Annual show & meeting
Reigate Bee Keepers Association Gill Simpson Annual Meeting
SG Motor Caravan Club David Bush 01843 295089 Annual meeting on The Brocus
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